Article 1 (General Provision)
MiCo Ceramics (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Company’), aimed at 『Global No.1Chamber Solution Provider』, will create customer value, promote future-oriented andcustomer-centered responsible management, and lead the semiconductors industrybased on accountability and trust. We hereby establish and dedicate ourselves to thiscode of ethics as a standard for proper behavior and value to be kept by ourexecutives and employees.
Article 2 (Basic Ethics of Executives and Employees)
Executives and employees, with the attitude to represent the company publicly and privately, shall keep their grace in work and personal affair and maximize the corporate goal and interest with honesty and trust.
1. Basic Ethics
① Be proud and positive as a member of MiCo Ceramics and always ensure honesty andsincerity;
② Keep higher ethical ground and work hard to maintain and develop personal dignityand corporate honor; and,
③ Dedicated with services believing that customers are the first stakeholders.
2. Completion of Mission
① Sincerely fulfill each mission based on the corporate vision and management policy;
② Do the best to fulfill duties with due process and comply with all the relevant laws and regulations;
③ Maintain and keep the company’s assets and keep the trade secrets;
④ Increase work efficiency through cooperation and communication with colleagues and related divisions; and,
⑤ Recognize frankly own fault, do the best to solve wrongdoings and indemnify
3.Fair Duty Execution
① Honestly and fairly execute all obligations and always work hard to establish sound corporate culture;
② Do not remain satisfied with customs, always pursue new things, never avoid problem solving but cope proactively;
③ Do not engage in any immoral or unethical activity that can be blamed by the society in daily life and at work;
④ Act with the sense of ownership representing the company and always try hard to keep dignity.
4. Self-development
Establish a desirable model for employees of MiCo Ceramics and ceaselessly develop oneself to conform to the trends of ‘globalization.
5. Relations among Employees
① Seniors and subordinates at work are a family and must unite based on trust and respect.
② Seniors shall believe that developing excellent subordinates is the best achievement and must pay a lot of affection and attention.
③ Employees shall implement orders with passion and sincerity. However, employees shall have their courage to refuse to implement an unfair instruction.
④ Employees shall not use or apply any language or activity that involve defamation or rumor spreading or destroy organizational unity.
6. Abstention from Monetary Transaction among Employees
Monetary transaction among organizations (loan, guarantee for loan, etc.) may result in excessive loss such as weakened organizational capacity and personal bankruptcy, which must be subject to maximum abstention.
7. Prohibition of Excessive Stock Trade and Speculative Entertainment
Excessive stock trade and speculative entertainment (huatu the Korean card game and all other card games) shall be banned for sound work environment and affordable economic life.
8. Prevention of Sexual Harassment at Work
Sexual harassment at work shall be banned for sound work environment to realize gender equality.
9. Restriction on External Employment
Executives and employees shall not engage in any profit-seeking work other than duties and may not take another position without advance approval.
10. Prohibition of Illegal S/W Copying and Use
Illegal software must be deleted and all the internal software shall be regular products.
Article 3 (Those Engagedin Transaction)
① All the eligible companies shall be provided with equal opportunities to take part in contractual registration and selection; and,
② Contractual registration and selection shall be conducted reasonably in accordance with objective and fair screening standards.
1. Equal Opportunity
Illegal software must be deleted and all the internal software shall be regular products.
2. Fair Trade
① All transactions shall be fairly conducted under equal conditions and sufficient negotiation shall take place for transaction conditions and procedures;
② Do not engage in any unfair activity using an advantageous position;
③ Establish a clean transaction environment and jointly work to maintain fair transaction order; and,
④ Provide information necessary for transaction in time in accordance with appropriate procedure.
3. Employee’s Responsibility and Duty
① Sincerely carry out the role as an adjuster by effectively managing and supervising related companies;
② Ensure kind language and attitude while talking to or telephoning a related company and positively handle a complaint;
③ Do not notify familial or personal event to a related company and never receive money for any such reason;
④ Do not receive any money, be it cash, product or gift from a customer; and,
⑤ Do not engage in customer’s monetary transaction (loan, guarantee, etc.) and gambling.
Article 4 (Ethics toward Customers)
With the belief that there is no sustenance without customer satisfaction, executives and employees shall always respect customer’s opinions and ensure absolute trust of customers.
1. Customer Satisfaction
① Always listen to customer’s opinion and prioritize customer satisfaction; and,
② Create customer’s value and work hard to grow together.
2. Customer Interest Protection
① Proactively open what must be known or informed to customers;
② Respond and take measure to even a slight request of customers;
③ Do not disclose or apply information related to customers without advance approval; and,
④ Never harm customer’s interest by engaging in an unethical activity.
Article 5 (Responsibility toward State and Society)
Promote the state interest and contribute to social development through reasonable andresponsible management:
1. Responsibility for the State
① Executives and employees shall do their best to develop the country by contributing to the country’s semiconductors industry; and,
② Executives and employees shall play leading roles for the country’s policy industry with a sense of ownership and will to innovate.
2. Contribution to Social Development
① Executives and employees shall contribute to the national development by creating jobs and paying taxes sincerely and engage in cultural and social events to fulfill the national responsibility and duty;
② Sound social participation of executives and employees shall be secured and recommended, contributing to social development;
③ Executives and employees shall humbly accept due requests from various levels of the society and local residents and do their best to respond to them.
Article 1 (Effective Time)
The Code of Ethics shall be established and take effect on April 13, 2015.
Article 2 (Detailed Practice System)
Under the Code of Ethics, the specific rules to be kept by executives and employees, titled the “Rules Pertaining to the Code of Ethics for Executives and Employees” shall be separatelyestablished, pronounced and enforced.
Article 3 (Reflection of HR Assessment, Award and Punishment)
Executives and employees who comply with the Code of Ethics and have secured bestperformance in ethical management shall be awarded along with better assessment while thosewho have violated the Code of Ethics and t h e Rules Pertaining to the Code of Ethics forExecutives and Employees shall be punished based on the relevant procedure.
Article 4 (Consultation, Counseling and Reporting)
Executives and employees, as a question arises in their interpretation or implementation ofthe Code of Ethics the Rules Pertaining to the Code of Ethics for Executives and Employees, shallconsult with or be advised by the Ethical Management Center or report in accordance with theprescribed procedure.
Article 5 (Standards for Interpretation)
In relation to the Company’s ethical management activities, any matters not prescribed in theCode of Ethics and t h e Rules Pertaining to the Code of Ethics for Executives and Employees orany conflict in interpretation shall be resolved based on interpretation and determination of theEthical Management Center.
Article 6 (Relations to Other Rules and Regulations)
The grounds for ethical Management, the Code of Ethics and t h e Rules Pertaining to the Code of Ethics for Executives and Employees shall supersede all other corporate rules and regulations.